Premium Gasoline and Mid-Grade Gasoline

All About Premium Gasoline and Mid-Grade Gasoline!

This article will discuss premium and mid-grade gasoline in detail. It is normal that you go to a petrol pump and get confused watching all those gasoline options. We often also consider whether the gas type we’re putting in our vehicle could affect our engine in any way. Or are we even putting the right gasoline in our vehicles?

But don’t worry. We have covered all for you in this article. Let’s begin!

What Is Meant By “Octane-Rating”?

“Octane Rating” is defined as the fuel’s stability measure to endure the process of compression afore ignition. Octane rating is contingent on the force (pressure) on which the fuel goes through auto-ignition inside a testing engine. 

What Is Meant By “Octane Number”?

The average of the two various octane-rating methods, i.e., Motor Octane Rating (MOR) and Research Octane Rating (RON), is called an “Octane Number”. This difference is according to the particulars of the conditions of operations. Fuel would be more stable if the octane number is higher.

In the United States of America, present are the following three octane-ratings of the gasoline;

  1. Regular Gasoline (with 87 Octane)
  2. Mid-graded Gasoline (with 89 to 90 Octane)
  3. Premium Gasoline (with 91 to 93 Octane)

Chemicals present in gasoline assist during the combustion process of your car’s engine. The greater the octane number, the more it withstands compression before it detonates. This is the reason why most premium gas is used in cars having high-performance. Such cars need a greater octane level to function efficiently.

Let’s move further and discuss in detail about the premium gasoline and mid-grade gasoline. Why these? Because you guys might be taking them the both, But NO! They are not!

Octane RatingOctane Number
“The fuel’s stability measure to endure the process of compression afore ignition, is called as Octane Rating”    

Octane rating is contingent on the force (pressure), on which the fuel goes through auto-ignition inside a testing-engine.
“The average of the two various octane-rating methods i.e. Motor Octane Rating (MOR) and Research Octane Rating (RON), is called as Octane Number”.  

This difference is according to the particulars of the conditions of operations.

Fuel would be more stable if the octane number is higher.  

Mid-graded Gasoline (89 Octane-graded)

Ever heard the name “Plus Gas”? Yes, it is the other name for mid-graded gasoline. If we talk about mid-graded gasoline, it works perfectly with cars. It has an 89 to 90 Octane-rating. Moreover, specific models of cars also require mid-graded gasoline, such as Chrysler 300.

Mid-grade gasoline is mostly required by a few vehicles. According to the United Stated Energy Information Administration, US citizens purchase only about 7% of mid-grade gasoline. While a huge percentage i.e. 83 % goes for regular unleaded gasoline and 10% for the premium one.

U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

In case of loud knocking noise from the vehicle, the Federal Trade Commission suggests opting for a mid-grade gasoline, instead of regular or a lower graded gasoline. This strategy also improves the economy of the fuel.  

It offers more efficient performance than the regular octane gasoline. Unlike the premium 91 to 93-octane gasoline, it is not that potent.

Premium Gasoline (91 to 93 Octane-graded)

Gasoline with the highest and most potent quality is premium gasoline. Because of this reason, it is the best one can use for the higher performance vehicles. Yet, keep in mind, it is the costliest choice one can have at the petrol pumps. Premium gasoline is the best for a Turbo chargers engine, especially during heavy-duty tasks such as towing, in trucks such as Ford F250/F350. The premium gasoline also assists through improving the productivity of the fuel.

Most of the owners recommend using premium gas only when the vehicle requires. It is mostly used for engines with a higher compression rate. Regular gas will never harm the engine, if premium gas is not present.

Engines in which a premium gas is used, are also tend to release lesser toxic emissions. The best approach is to always consult an owner’s manual (according to your vehicle model) before opting for premium gasoline.

premium gasoline and mid-grade gasoline.

Credits @ Understanding Premium vs. Regular Gas (

Premium Gasoline Mid-Grade Gasoline
·Gasoline with the highest and most potent quality is premium gasoline.

·It has 91 to 93 Octane-graded gasoline.

·It is the best one can use for the higher performance vehicles.

·Premium gas is the costliest choice one can have at the petrol pumps.

·It is best for a Turbo chargers engine, especially during heavy-duty tasks such as towing. The premium gasoline also assists through improving the productivity of the fuel.
·Mid-graded gasoline, it works perfectly with cars, but sometimes it is very specific.

·It has an 89 to 90 Octane-rating

.It offers more efficient performance than the regular octane gasoline.

. Unlike the premium 91 to 93-octane gasoline, it is not that potent.

Commonly Asked Questions!

Which Gasoline Kind Should I Take For My Car?

If the owner’s manual of your vehicle suggests using regular unleaded gasoline, then obviously utilize that for your vehicle. It has 87 octane grading and is comparatively less expensive. But use premium gasoline if suggested. Premium gasoline often charges more than the

regular one (20 cents more/gallon). Always choose a gas type according to your vehicle’s engine type. If we talk about the majority of vehicles, they mostly require regular unleaded 87-octane gasoline to perform well.

What Could Be The Advantage of Utilizing the Right Gasoline Type?

When one uses the right type of gasoline, then it helps in the reduction of engine damage. Moreover, the performance of the car gets affected when accurate fuel is not used. When one uses the exact fuel type, it helps save a lot of money.

Moreover, it assists in prevention of latent repairs. It is advisable to visit a professional before choosing an appropriate gas type. 


To conclude, mid-graded gasoline works perfectly with most cars. It has an 89 to 90 Octane-rating. Moreover, specific models of cars also require mid-graded gasoline (89 to 90 octane grading). It offers more efficient performance than the regular octane gasoline. Unlike the premium 91 to 93-octane gasoline, it is not that potent.

Whereas gasoline with the highest and most potent quality is the premium gasoline. Because of this reason, it is the best one can use for the higher performance vehicles.

But keep in mind; it is the costliest choice one can have at the petrol pumps. Premium gasoline is the best for a Turbo chargers engine, especially during heavy-duty tasks such as towing. Premium gasoline also assists in improving the productivity of the fuel. Always choose a gas type according to your vehicle’s engine type.

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