Problems of Infiniti Q50

10 Frequent Problems of Infiniti Q50: Troubleshooting Guide

The Infiniti Q50 is a high-end sedan that strikes a balance between classy looks, sporty handling, and cutting-edge technology. However, it is susceptible to the same mundane but irritating problems that plague all automobiles. Hence, this post will discuss 10 frequent problems of Infiniti Q50.


To summarize, steering and braking issues with the 2014–2016 Infiniti Q50 are the most common complaints. Problems with the airbags deploying on models made between 2014 and 2017 and early tire wear on the 2015 model are two other frequent complaints. The electrical systems of 2018, 2019, and 2021 vehicles caused problems for their owners as well.

10 Frequent Problems of Infiniti Q50

Following are the 10 frequent problems of Infiniti Q50 that one should know before making a decision to purchase it;

1. Steering Wheel Lock Failure:

The steering wheel lock feature in certain Q50s has been criticized by owners. It’s possible to lock the steering wheel, rendering the vehicle inoperable. Turning the wheel to the left and right while trying to start the car may help if you have this difficulty. If the issue lingers, you should get in touch with a specialized specialist.

2. Electrical Malfunctions:

There are a wide variety of signs that indicate an electrical problem, including flickering lights, dead batteries, and difficulties with the audio system. Make sure all is correctly connected and that there is no rust. If the problem continues, you should take it to a certified Infiniti repair shop so that they may check for and repair any underlying electrical flaws. Other sedans such as Acura ILX also have similar electrical issues.

3. Inconsistent Touchscreen:

Touchscreen issues, including as unresponsiveness and unpredictable behavior, have been noted by several Q50 users. However, if you encounter this problem, removing the car’s battery for a few minutes might reset the system. If the issue continues, you should seek the advice of a specialist.

4. Premature Brake Wear:

Brake pads have worn out early for certain Q50 drivers. Moreover, it’s possible that poor brake pads or too aggressive driving are to blame for this problem. Reduce the risk of this happening by changing your brake-pads and rotors with great quality components and employing smooth braking methods.

5. Turbocharger and Engine Performance:

Turbocharger performance and engine misfires have been cited as rare complaints from Q50 owners. However, Carbon buildup, defective sensors, and fuel system snags are just certain potential causes of these problems. Hence, these issues may be avoided with diligent upkeep, such utilizing premium gasoline and scheduling regular service checks.

6. Sunroof Leak:

Q50 owners may experience the annoyance of water leakage via the sunroof. Make sure the rubber seals are clean and undamaged before closing the sunroof. Sunroof seals should be checked and replaced if required if the problem continues.

Learn more about fuel leakages in our recent articles.

7. HVAC System Malfunctions:

Problems with the HVAC system have been reported by a small number of homeowners. Moreover, inconsistent temperature regulation, poor air circulation, and strange sounds are all examples of such problems. If the issue persists after checking the air filters for obstructions, you should have a expert gaze at the system.

8. Transmission Issues:

Some Q50 owners have complained about gearbox issues, such as jerky shifts and slow engagement. Such problems may often be avoided by keeping up with the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance plan and getting regular transmission fluid replacements. If issues continue, it’s best to get them looked at by a professional.

9. Suspension Noise:

Bushings and struts are two examples of suspension parts that may get noisier with age. Have the suspension checked if it clunks or rattles over potholes. A well-maintained vehicle is one that has had worn parts replaced on a regular basis

10. Paint Quality:

The paint quality on certain Q50s has been criticized by customers who have experienced early chipping and peeling. Even though Infiniti cars typically have a high-quality paint job, factors like extreme temperatures and lack of upkeep might reduce the paint’s longevity. These problems may be mitigated by maintaining a regular washing and waxing routine and by installing a paint protection layer.

Related article: Unraveling 9 Frequent Issues of Infiniti QX80

Infiniti Q50 Worst Year

The Infiniti Q50 is a dependable vehicle that can be driven for at least 200,000 kilometers before showing signs of wear and tear. Although Infiniti just started selling the Q50 in 2014, we still think it’s important to talk about the greatest and worst years of this vehicle. 

Hence, 2014 and 2015 are the two poorest years in the Q50’s history. Tires, steering, brakes, and airbags were just some of the numerous things people had trouble with in vehicles of these model years. Both the airbag deployment and the steering problems were recalled, so you should check to see whether they apply to your vehicle and if the repair has been implemented.

These were the first two years of the Q50’s production run, thus it seems sense that there were teething problems.

Infiniti Q50 Worst Year

Any other Infiniti Q50 model seems preferable, with fewer issues and less complaints. Since the 2020 model has been out for a while with no negative feedback, we feel confident in recommending it as the best year to buy. Since no recalls have been issued for the 2020 model year, you also won’t need to worry about recalls and trips to the shop.


Luxury sedans like the Infiniti Q50 might be fun to drive, but they’re still susceptible to the same wear and tear as any other car. Many of these difficulties may be reduced or remedied by preventative measures such as routine engine maintenance, rapid response to concerns, and the use of capable specialists as wanted. However, if you want to be unquestionable your Infiniti Q50 is diagnosed and serviced correctly, you should consult the owner’s handbook and only take it to approved service locations.

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