12 Most Frequent Problems of Ford F-150 2.7 And 3.5 EcoBoost
Ford series introduced Ford F-150 back in 1975, comprising engines such as 3.5 and 2.7 EcoBoost. Both have, undoubtedly, their own advantages and features they offer their users. But the actual query is if these engines have any concerns. If they do, then what sort of frequently occurring issues they can have? Hence, this article is about the most frequent problems of Ford F-150 2.7 and 3.5 EcoBoost.
Ford F-150, an amazing and luxurious pick-up truck that captivates hearts. Ford marketed and introduced it, since 1975. This truck is safe, and will not cost you much during repairs. Ford F-150 has an attractive interior, safety rating, and features it offers to its driver. Ford F-150 3.5 EcoBoost engines were launched in 2010. Following it success, 2.7 EcoBoost engines were launched by Ford for its F-150 in 2015. Thus, both of these engines share a similar design based on the twin-turbo V-6 and direct injection.
We do not say here that one should not opt for these engines at all. But one should be aware of its issues each engine has. But don’t you worry! We have enclosed all for you here!
A brief answer here for you before we begin with the explanation;
To summarize, problems with the timing-chain being stretched out so much had to be one of the most frequent problems seen to occur in the Ford F-150 EcoBoost engine’s 1st generation. Moreover, first generation had problems with the buildup of Carbon as well.
Due to, the direct-injection design, on the intake valves, carbon builds up. Issues such as; leakage of the coolant and inter-cooler facing condensation are the issues most recurrently seen in 3.5 EcoBoost engine. The 2.7 EcoBoost (2018 to 2019) has problems with the leakage of the pan of oil.
Other problems such as; spark-plug, defective heads of the cylinders, loss of power, mis-firring, issues with the cam-phaser, and ignition (coil) problems.
Below are given detailed answers to all of your queries regarding the most frequent problems of Ford F-150 2.7 and 3.5 EcoBoost just like we covered BMW F30 problems a week ago. Thus, a well-researched data has been collected, by using authentic resources such as forums and reviews of people around the globe, and from experienced mechanics and automobile freaks.
1. Timing-Chain Problems
Firstly, Ford F-150 EcoBoost has frequent issues with the timing chain. It mostly occurs in the first generation of the Ford F-150 3.5 L EcoBoost, the model year 2011 to 2015. But the problem is not just limited to the stretching of the timing chain in the 3.5 L EcoBoost.
However, numerous problems have been registered regarding the cam-phaser, guides of timing chain, and tensioner. Hence, if any of such problems occur, the solution to them is the replacement of the timing-chain. Ford F-150 Raptor also has similar timing-chain problems.
Symptoms such as; light of the check engine, rattling on a cold-start, and Diagnostic Trouble Code (DCT) P0016, are recurrent.
2. Intake-Valves having a Carbon Build-up
The first generation of the Ford F-150 EcoBoost i.e. both the 2.7 EcoBoost and 3.5 EcoBoost is seen to have this most frequently occurring problem of the buildup of Carbon due to the indicating fuel being spurted directly into the cylinders by the use of a Direct Injection.
What happens is that the buid-up of the Carbon begins to occur on the intake valve. Blow-by of the oil is experienced by almost all the engines. This oil makes its way into the tract of the intake, accumulating in the intake valve. Port-Injections can reduce this issue. Common signs of carbon-builup includes; loss of power, misfiring and a coarse idle.
3. Leakage of Oil-Pan
A recall was made because of the leakage of the oil pan, for the model 2018 to 2019 2.7 L EcoBoost engine. The reason for this issue was the oil pan make up of plastic by the Ford, making it a bad choice, since the material should be something that can hold up the steaming oil, which plastic is of course not. Read types of fuel Ford F-150 takes to learn in depth about its fuel types.
4. Ignition Coils and Spark-plug Issues
Both the 2.7 and 3.5 EcoBoost engines, have seen to have issues with the ignition coils and spark plugs and a greater tear and wear.
Model 2011 to 2013 having 3.5 EcoBoost, have subsequently seen to get a technical-service-bulletin for having defective ignition coils and spark plugs. Most common sign is the mis-firing of the engine, which leads to a higher consumption of the fuel and a coarse idle.
5. Condensation Inside the Intercooler
Condensation inside the intercooler is the problem that is still seen at present but mostly was prominent in the Ford F-150 3.5 L EcoBoost model years 2011 to 2012. The intercooler function includes lowering the engine’s temperature. A higher intake of the air results in condensation inside the intercooler, which may increase if one’s living in a humid region.
6. Leakage of the Coolant
Leakage of the coolant has to be another common issue regarding the 3.5 L EcoBoost engine, most prominent in the models 2011 to 2014. Sign includes your engine getting heated up and hotter than it is usually. Traces or puddles of the coolant could be found under your vehicle, specifically when your vehicle is stationary but running. The known area for this leakage could be turbo-fittings, but not always. It can leak from the turbo-housing as well because the leakage of the coolant can take place from the external of the pipes resulting in gathering on it.
7. Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) Problems
The most frequent problems of Ford F-150 2.7 and 3.5 EcoBoost include problem with the PCV, abbreviated for Positive Crankcase Ventilation, appears mostly in the EcoBoost of Ford F-150 models 2013 to 2015. Indeed, the chief criminal responsible for this problem is the adaptor of the cover of the hose-valve of the PCV. However, the main sign of this problem is the blue or bluish or sometimes white-colored smoke coming out of the exhaust. Replacement of the adaptor of the valve cover is the solution to it.
8. Defective Heads of Cylinders and Gasket
This issue was found in the 2016 to 2017 Ford F-150 in the 2.7 EcoBoost engine. The issue of the defective heads of the cylinders resulting in the damage of the gaskets’ head.
9. Production of Blue/White Smoke
Some of the owners of the F-150 with a 2.7 EcoBoost engine have encountered this problem of the white or blue smoking coming out of the exhaust, making it the most projecting issues which occur when the engine is started. This is due to an inactive engine during cold weather for longer times.
On the other hand, some owners of the F-150 with a 3.5 EcoBoost engine have encountered this problem of the white or blue smoking coming out of the exhaust, which is also because of an inactive engine during cold weather for longer times. This one mostly occurs in the Ford F-150 model from 2013 to 2015. The main culprit is the adaptor of the cover of the valve of the hose of the PCV.
10. Induction Cleaners Problems
This problem is seen to occur in the 3.5 EcoBoost engines when an induction cleaner is introduced into the valve by the DIY drivers. These cleaners in return exploit the turbocharger’s turbines, seals, and bearings. The solution to it is to utilize a fuel of good quality.
11. Cam-Phaser Issues
Ford finally resolved the issues regarding the cam-phaser in the year 2020, but this issue was seen to have in the model 2017 to 2020, in the second generation of the 3.5 EcoBoost engine. The defective cam-phaser leads to rattle-like noises which can be annoying at times. Signs of cam-phaser issues include rattling and shuddering of the engine. Replace it!
12. Calibrating Problems (PCM)
Additionally, Ford F-150 has seen to have concerns with its software of the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) in its 2019 model’s engine; 2.7 EcoBoost, leading to a dysfunctional indicator-lamp enlightening and a trouble-code being diagnosed, emerging on the screen.
Ways to Avoid Problems in Ford F-150 Ecoboost; 2.7 EcoBoost and 3.5 EcoBoost
The Good News! You can avoid the above problems in your F-150 Ecoboost, both the 2.7 and 3.5 EcoBoost, with a bit of homework and due attentiveness. For example, issue of leakage of the oil. This one is critical to locate. The best way is to get your vehicle first checked by a certified mechanic (local), before making a purchase, offering a pre-purchase automobile examination services in your area.
However, the other way to give call Ford’s Customer Service or visit the dealership, and check if TBS has been addressed with the automobile you want to buy, is by proving your VIN. If the problems have already been addressed, it would be a lesser thing for you to get concerned about.
Unlike the uncontrolled factored, there are factors that one can control i.e. the maintenance of the engine (twin-turbo), which can keep up the reliability of the engine. Get it inspected for early signs of a poor transmission. Get it checked properly, keep it safe, oil should be changed timely, utilize oils of good quality and fix the problems beforehand or on time when they occur.
Reliability of the Ford F-150 2.7 and 3.7 EcoBoost; Are They Reliable?
Undoubtedly, both of these engines are remarkable in their performances. And most owners do not even have seen to report any issues during their owner’s lifetime.
If we talk about 2.7 EcoBoost, it is a reliable one. Despite being a more reliable one as compared to the other engines present in the market, due to the above-mentioned problems and the later recalls by the factory, this engine has a reputation for being an unreliable one. But it is still superior to the other engines in the market such as Chevy Turbo-boost 2.7 L.
Considering the reliability of the engine 3.5 EcoBoost, it is a reliable one. It has an above average score when it comes to its reliability. However, there are so many factors that cause the actual problem. one can control these factors. But there are factors that one can control i.e. the maintenance of the engine (twin-turbo), keeping the reliability of the engine. G Check your engines properly, keep them safe, change the oil timely, utilize oils of good quality and fix the problems beforehand or on time when they occur.
To conclude about the most frequent problems of Ford F-150 2.7 and 3.5 EcoBoost; the timing-chain being stretched out so much had to be one of the most frequent problems seen to occur in the Ford F-150 EcoBoost engine’s 1st generation. Moreover, the first generation had problems with the buildup of Carbon as well. Due to the direct-injection design, on the intake valves, carbon builds up.
Issues such as; Leakage of the coolant and inter-cooler facing condensation are the most recurrently seen in 3.5 EcoBoost engine. The 2.7 EcoBoost (2018 to 2019) has problems with the leakage of the pan of oil.